help with CV writing CVs and Interviews

Help with CV Writing

Writing a CV can be daunting and confusing, but we have some helpful tips to make it easier. The reason employers want to see your CV is so that they can decide if they want to interview you, and to understand what experience you have so you need to make very that very prominent.

If you are looking for your first apprenticeship, don’t worry if you don’t have much experience as it isn’t necessary. An apprenticeship CV doesn’t have to be as long as a normal CV, and no more than two pages.

You should create a basic CV then tailor it for every job application to make it applicable, highlighting the best skills and experiences for each apprenticeship you are applying for.


When it comes to the font, make sure it is no smaller than size 11 and in a font other then Arial or Times New Roman.

The layout is very important and should be clear to read and present well on screen as CVs are usually sent through email. Split your CV into sections so that it can be read easily. Clear and simple is the golden rule.

What should be in my CV?

Make sure you put your name, address, telephone number and email address at the top. You could write a small profile on why you are applying to the apprenticeship scheme and what your aspirations are. Also, include your skills and how they would contribute towards the apprenticeship.

You should then cover your education in chronological order with the most recent first. You only need to go back as far as the school you went to from the age of 11. Make sure you specify what type of qualification it is you have e.g. GCSE, BTEC. You can play around with this section you can play to find the best way to present it, but make sure it is readable and specify what grade you achieved for each qualification.

Under education you should write down any previous work experience you might have, including any paid jobs you have had, or work placements.

Make sure you add your references at the bottom (how many you include would depend on the job applied for).

Last but not least make sure you double check for spelling mistakes and grammar. Also, make sure everything you say flows and is easily understandable.

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