Industry Guides

Whether you're a student exploring career options or a professional seeking a new role, these industry guides are your go to resources. From healthcare to finance plus everything in between.

5 Careers That Didn't Exist 10 Years Ago in the UK

The UK job market has evolved, introducing careers like Social Media Influencer Managers, AI Ethics Officers, Climate Change Analysts, Telemedicine Practitioners, and Cybersecurity Specialists. These new roles highlight how technology and innovation are reshaping career opportunities.

Social Media Apprenticeships in Liverpool

You could have the opportunity of working with social media companies based in Liverpool such as Studiocare Professional Audio Limited, Ion Search Limited and many more.

Dental Nurse Apprenticeship In Southampton

As an Apprentice Dental Nurse it’s your job to ensure your patients remain as calm as possible whether you’re dealing with an adult or a child; whatever the situation you will assist in the treatment running as smooth as possible.

Teaching Apprenticeships: What you need to know

Teaching Apprenticeships are an excellent alternative to university. Do you want to continue learning and have a job? With a Teaching Apprenticeship you get the best of both worlds by continuing to gain qualifications as well as obtaining vital work experience.