Part time job for the summer holidays
Part time job for the summer holidaysWith summer quickly approaching there’s no better time than now to find a part time job for the summer holidays. Many students want to do hundreds of things during the summer holidays from going to festivals, cinemas, theme parks and even a trip abroad but with very little funds it seems near enough impossible to making them all happen.
What if we told you there was a simple answer to finding the funds to do all those things and more? (and we don’t mean visiting the bank of mum and dad) A part time job for the summer holidays is an excellent money supply and can also help boost your CV and future career prospects.
What type of part time job for the summer holidays can I get?
There are a wide range of part time jobs that you can get for the summer holidays from working in retail to hospitality and more. Let’s look at what you could be doing:
Hospitality – The hospitality industry peaks in the summers season with the nice weather everyone flees to the beer garden. Hospitality experience can provide an excellent CV booster as you’ll be learning essential skills such as communication, team work, prioritising your workload and much more!
You could work with the following companies during summer:
- Greene King
- Table Table
- JW Lee’s
- Wetherspoons
- Marstons
Retail – With so many shops in the UK the need for staff in retail increases especially during the summer with more people off shopping and existing staff taking holidays you’re bound to find a summer job in retail.
You could be working in a supermarket, large fashion shop or small local shop, wherever you work you’ll be gaining vital skills and experience and getting paid.
Companies in retail:
- Tesco
- Morrisons
- Asda
- River Island
- Topman/Topshop
Theme Parks – Another thriving industry during summer months are theme parks. Why not help give people the time of their lives and apply for a summer job at a theme park where you’ll give your CV a boost, earn a salary and you never know if that’s on your to do list this summer you might get discounted tickets on your day off.
You could be working at:
- Alton Towers
- Thorpe Park
- Blackpool Pleasure Beach
- Flamingo Land
Summer Festivals – Imagine getting paid to work whilst also listening to your favourite artists? That’s right working at a festival could be perfect for you. You could be doing anything from security to selling merchandises or even bar work.
Festivals in the UK that you could work at:
- T in the Park
- Reading and Leeds Festival
- Parklife
- Mint Festival
- Wireless Festival
- Glastonbury
- Isle of Wight
- RiZE
- Creamfields
Work abroad for the summer – Do you want to work abroad this summer? Want a destination that’s full of party goers? A summer job abroad is an amazing opportunity to meet new people, show your independence and earn a good wage whilst you’re out there. You could be doing a range of roles from bar work to PR, selling tickets, restaurant work and more.
Summer is all about adventures and making memories, find the perfect part time job for the summer holidays to boost your CV and fund your summer adventures. Still not decided what to do after the summer holidays come to an end? Find a range of early career opportunities at Careermap to get you started or sign up for our newsletter for opportunities straight your your inbox!
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