how to get the most out of your apprenticeship School Leavers

How to get the most out of your Apprenticeship

Ten ways to get the most out of your Apprenticeship

Whether you’re applying for an apprenticeship or are just about to start one, here’s how to make the experience better for you.

1. Start Strong

Make sure you choose the right Apprenticeship for you, in a career sector that you find interesting. Do plenty of research on the Apprenticeships website and CareerMap to get started.

2. Plan Ahead

Once you’re accepted onto an Apprenticeship, give yourself a head start. Find out from your training provider if there are useful websites to visit or books to read, and sort out your work outfit and travel arrangements so you don’t need to worry about it at the last minute.

3. Nail the First Day

Start as you mean to go on. Get there on time (set two alarms) and look smart. Making a good impression is important, so be polite and show your new employer they’ve made the right choice.

4. Listen

Your colleagues and mentors are there to help you, but you’ll help yourself if you listen to instructions and take their advice on board. Your opinion matters, but so does their experience.

5. Ask Questions

No-one expects you to know everything. Not sure how to do something? Ask! Better to feel silly for an instant than to have a hole in your knowledge forever. We’re all learning, all the time.

6. Tame your Timetable

Juggling work and study can be tricky, so work out a timetable: there are lots of apps available, or guides on sites like The Student Room. That way you know what you need to be doing, and when.

7. Be Honest and Enthusiastic

The right attitude can carry you a long way. If you haven’t understood something or you’ve made a mistake, just say so; you’re there to learn. Being keen and helpful will get you noticed and help you go far in any job.

8. Join In

You’re going to be part of a team of one kind or another. Be a team player: offer to help, be friendly and polite, and don’t complain when it’s your turn to make the tea. If you have ideas, share them with your mentor and colleagues, fresh points of view can be really helpful.

9. Set Goals

You don’t need a day-by-day plan for your Apprenticeship, but it’s good to know what you want to get out of it. Think about the skills you want to develop or the things you want to achieve and tell people about them so that they can help you.

10. End on a High

At the end of your Apprenticeship, leave on good terms with everyone and make sure you get their contact details. Whatever profession you’re in, it’s handy to know people and have a good reputation.

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