Looking after your mental health during revision School Leavers

Looking After Your Mental Health During Revision

With exam season only a few months away, you might be feeling overwhelmed and stressed. While this is an important time in your life, so is looking after your mental health during revision and the exam period.

We’ve put together some top tips to help you to look after your mental health during revision and your exams:

1. Use your time wisely

When revising you don’t need to study 24/7. Try to find a balance between the things you enjoy and revising for your exams. By not taking breaks, you could end up facing a burnout where you feel physically and emotionally drained. This is why it’s crucial to set aside time to spend with your friends, family, hobbies or getting some well deserved rest.

Cramming all your revision into a day can also cause information overload, causing difficulties to understand the information you’re supposed to be taking in and leaving you feeling stressed.

2. Ask for support if you need it

f you’re struggling, don’t be afraid to speak out. Often the feelings you are experiencing will be similar to your friends, who are going through the same situation so reach out to them. Whether you speak to a family member, teacher, friend or mental health charity, there is support out there and you’re not alone.

3. Separate study and relaxing

Don’t make the mistake of revising in the same place as you sleep and relax. Where possible try to revise in an office room, kitchen or library away from where you study. That way, when you put your past papers and flashcards down, you can really switch off and spend this time on refreshing your mind and body.

4. Have study sessions with your friends

Although it’s important to have a social life outside of studying, this doesn’t mean you can’t set up study sessions where you can help each other revise.

Not only this, but you can support each other with different areas that you’re struggling on, giving you and your friends a much needed confidence boost.

5. Preparation is KEY

Finally, and most importantly, prepare. Try making a revision timetable to schedule the time/day that you will study each subject. Make a list of the different areas you would like to cover during each study session. This will make you feel organised and in control to prevent you feeling as stressed.

All of these things combined will help support your mental health, keeping you on track and mentally healthy during the exam and revision period.

Ready to start thinking about your next steps after revision?

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