Chatteris Educational Foundation

Our Story

Chatteris exists to support young people in Hong Kong with their English language learning. The foundation was started in 1990 when our founding trustees launched a volunteering scheme of visits to local secondary schools to provide students with extra opportunities to practise their English.

Realising a far larger scheme was needed, the trustees formed the Chatteris Educational Foundation and started raising funds to bring English tutors to Hong Kong to be placed in schools. Although a lot has changed in this time, we have always remained true to the lessons learnt by our founding trustees when volunteering all those years ago. Offering students opportunities for authentic, relaxed, and communicative use of English transforms their views of the language, especially for those from challenging socio-economic backgrounds, and our enthusiastic and committed tutors continue to provide such opportunities to this day.

Today, Chatteris places a team of approximately 60 English tutors full time in over 30 partner schools across three different age groups: primary, secondary and post-secondary. We also run short courses for schools, experiential learning opportunities for students, and deliver multiple community outreach initiatives to serve less privileged groups in Hong Kong society.