Crackerjack Training

Welcome to the Crackerjack Training

The Central Point for Childcare Training Courses across the Midlands, Crackerjack Training provides high-quality childcare training courses and support for learners to achieve a recognised qualification that is valued within the Childcare Sector. We offer a variety of learning programmes and apprenticeships to suit all levels of ability. Our programmes range from Study Programme (Level 1), Traineeship (Level 2), Apprenticeships (Level 2 & 3) and we also offer, the TAQA award for Assessors and Verifiers as well as the Teaching Assistant course.

Crackerjack Training holds Contracts with the Education and Skills Funding Agency and we are also able to facilitate the Advanced Learning Loans.

Crackerjack Training was inspected by Ofsted (Feb 2023) and gained a “GOOD” grade Two in all areas.