Derbyshire Constabulary

About Us

Derbyshire Constabulary receives around 2,300 calls a day and deals with approximately 55,000 crimes a year. As such, it requires considered structure and division of disciplines and skills; with the aim of maintaining a finely tuned, cohesive organisation.

The structure of Derbyshire Constabulary - 1,937 officers 1,692 police staff 85 special constables

Purpose and priorities - Everyone at Derbyshire Constabulary plays a role in ensuring that we deliver our priorities – from arresting offenders, capturing evidence, building good quality files, supporting victims, carrying out visible patrols and community engagement.

Making Derbyshire Safer Together - This is our joint force purpose between Derbyshire Police and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service. The force priorities are:

Fighting crime - We will fight crime, proactively bring offenders to justice, and protect the most vulnerable from harm.

Service to the public -
We will challenge each other to deliver a consistently good service to the public.

Responsive and visible policing - We will be more responsive to the public by building our neighbourhood teams, the most visible area of policing in Derbyshire.

Prevention and partnerships - We will look to the long term, working with the PCC and other partners, to prevent crime and tackle the root causes of harm, all of which place demands upon our services.

Trust and legitimacy - Equality, fairness, transparency and inclusivity – internally and externally – will drive everything that we do to ensure trust and legitimacy.

Our people - We will provide better support for our members paying special attention to mental health.

Vulnerability runs through each and every one of these priorities and should rightly be at the heart of the work that we do.