National Audit Office

Who we are

The National Audit Office (NAO) is the UK’s independent public spending watchdog.

We support Parliament in holding government to account and we help improve public services through our high-quality audits.

We are independent of government and the civil service. The Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), Gareth Davies, leads the NAO. He is an officer of the House of Commons with statutory authority to:

audit and report on the financial accounts of all government departments and other public bodies examine and report on the value for money of how public money has been spent. ​ The Public Accounts Commission (TPAC), a parliamentary committee of MPs, oversees our work.

We have an ambitious five-year strategy from 2020 to 2025. Its aim is to improve our support to Parliament in examining public sector performance, provide more practical recommendations that lead to better outcomes, and share more of our independent insight. Read more about our recent impacts in our Annual Report and Accounts 2022-23.

Our impact

Our work helps Parliament’s scrutiny of government, achieves a positive financial impact and makes a difference to people’s lives.

We support the work of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC). It uses our reports to hold evidence sessions focused on public spending and scrutinising the implementation of government policy.

Audited bodies are required to respond to recommendations made by PAC which are often based on our work.

We report on issues that matter to citizens – for example, our work on government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, our investigation into the Windrush compensation scheme, and our report on the Green Homes Grant Scheme.

Our work has a positive financial impact through reduced costs, improved service delivery and other benefits to citizens.

## Our work

Our people are experts in a wide range of specialisms. We work together to audit public spending and share our insights to drive improvements in the public sector.

Financial audit We provide an independent audit opinion on around 400 accounts per year. The C&AG certifies these accounts and reports the results to Parliament.

We audit public sector accounts, including:

  • All government departments
  • Executive agencies
  • Arm’s-length bodies
  • Companies, audited under statute or on a voluntary basis
  • Some charities

Our work provides increased transparency that money is spent in line with Parliament’s intention. It gives government bodies the insight they need to manage taxpayers’ money more effectively.​​​